<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="936"%> 余姚市泗门镇佳盛电器厂
地址:宁波余姚市泗门镇谢家路工   业园区
电话:0574-62163155 62175829
传真:0574-62162115 62163155

  余姚市佳齐电器有限公司(佳盛电器) 是一家集模具设计开发、注塑加工、整机组装的生产型工厂,其中汽车附件如DC12V、电动充气泵、检修工作灯、点烟插头等等一系列产品以远销美国、欧洲、英国等国家及地区。
  本厂坚持抓质量,上规模,创名牌,出效益 的发展方针,热忱欢迎国内外客户光临惠顾!
  Yuyao Jiaqi Electrical CO.,LTD. (Jiasheng Electrical) Appliances is a manufacturer integrating designing, plastic injection Process and assembly. Among them, series of automobile accessories such as dc 12v, electrical air pump, inspection lamp, plup of cigarettle lighter etc, sell well tocountries and regions such as USA, Europe, England etc, the facgory insists on the development guide of improving quality, reaching scale, creating ramous brand and high efficiency, customers borth at home and aboard are sincerely welcome to visit us.


余姚市泗门镇佳盛电器厂@版权所有 技术支持
电话:0574-62163155 62175829 传真:0574-62162115 62163155